Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 21 [Day 47] (Cliff Hansen, assisted by Chris Hunt) The temperature rose to a high of 12C between 1600 and 1800 from -3C and was 6.5C at 2030. Ground winds were W to 1100, SW to 1800 and then S, 5-10 km/h to noon, with gusts to 22 km/h to 2000 after which it was 5-10 km/h again, while ridge winds were probably SW light to moderate. Cloud cover was initially 10% cirrostratus becoming 40% at 1100 and decreasing after 1200 to 10% for the rest of the day with a trace of cumulus developing after 2000. The only migrant raptors seen were 2 unaged Bald Eagles that glided high overhead as silhouettes at 1258 and 1 juvenile Golden Eagle at 1922. Other birds included 5 American Pipits, 36 dark-eyed Juncos and 1 male Brewer's Blackbird, while butterflies comprised 1 Mourning Cloak and 6 Milbert's Tortoiseshells. 13.33 hours (481.4) BAEA 2 (88), GOEA 1 (1018) TOTAL 3 (1237)


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